May 18-20
Folly Farm
131 Simmons Rd
May Clinic with Robin Groves
The Nova Scotia Driving Society is offering all its members the opportunity to attend our annual May driving clinic. As in previous years, the clinic will focus on improving your driving skills, with an emphasis on Combined Driving- dressage, cones, obstacles. Participants will have four- one hour classes over 2 days in groups of 3 drivers. Groups will be chosen based both on level of experience and equine size.
This year the clinic will be held on May 18-20, at Folly Farm in Middleboro. We are allowing for 3 days for the clinic but each driver will be scheduled for 2 days, either Saturday and Sunday or Sunday and Monday. We ask that drivers keep the 3 days free if at all possible to make it easier to schedule.
The cost is $330 plus $20 for stabling for the 2 days. Note that we require a $150 non-refundable deposit. Stalls will be available on Friday night (May 17th). Please bring your own bedding and feed. Extra stalls, if available, may be paid for at $20 per night.
This clinic usually fills up quickly and places will be allocated on a first come- first served basis. The registration form is online and payment may be made by e-transfer to nsdrivingsociety@gmail.com or cheque. Your registration will not be considered complete until you have completed the form and paid your deposit. If you choose to pay by cheque, time will be allowed for the cheque to arrive.